I am attempting to hike all of Pittsburgh city steps. Among the logistical challenges of finding the steps, hiking them, I have to try and not get killed by tumbling down a set of them. Why am I doing this? Lots of reasons...keep reading.
Crafton heights...what can I really say? It was a neighborhood, it bordered Crafton (it still borders Crafton) it had the BEST steps ever...(that's not true). Straka street is pure magic. Many city steps are blunt. They take you as quickly as possible to the bus stops or whatever. But straka street feels like a walk in the park. It's long but not difficult. Each step is separated by 3 or 4 feet (sometimes more) of flat, easybreezy sidewalk. And it's in the woods. Completely shaded. And it's well maintained. And it's in good shape. And it's....just go there.
Other parts of Crafton heights aren't quite as pristine but the allure remains. Clairhaven street is abandoned along the steps. Two houses sit as silent sentinel to the neglect of the past. They are beautiful, hidden monuments to the temporary. As vines invade, windows break, wood siding fades, and encroaching tree limbs sway to bring their kin in clabber board to earth; its final resting place....did I just write a poem? Shit.
Lincoln place is south of the city bordering Munhall, Hays, and bum #*%¿ Egypt. It's not as stark as I describe it and it's damn near convenient transportation-wise. My only qualm is that it sits, completely isolated from the rest of Pittsburgh proper, in its own little world. I always lamented Lincoln Place doing my research because of how far removed it is. Its not practical for me to drive out there for its four sets of steps, when I have to go to work every day, slaving over a hot espresso machine, with no respect from anyone, and now the kids need money for summer basketball at the rec center...I mean, schools aht, I need em aht of my hair, I have a life too n'at...I list my train of thought...
Anyway, but, as I've said a million times by now, I've been pleasantly surprised. if you must live in Pittsburgh (city proper) Lincoln place is perfect. Ok, they don't have a lot, but it's a spit away from the waterfront, the Southside, and the country. The homes are modest but they all have actual YARDS! By that I mean your neighbors house isn't touching yours. There's about ten/fifteen feet betwixt yinz. Prefect for the gardener. It was quiet, peaceful, everything...