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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

tour company

I have been thinking about turning my knowledge about the city steps into a tour company. I'd have special themed excursions throughout the city such as, photography, history, urban exploration, food, and exercise. There would be a nominal fee to join a tour, a portion of which would go to a project benefiting the city steps such as art installation, upkeep, etc. I think it would work and I think it would be totally fun. I am taking the time this winter to organize specific tour routes and will be posting them soon.

hibernation phase

I have been having weird chest pains the last few days. All the sources I checked told me to seek medical attention. So i did. Had a chest x-ray, a EKG, blood work, EVERYTHING. They found nothing wrong. I can't breathe, my left shoulder hurts intensely, and my heart will race from time to time especially when the pain gets worse. At times the pain is debilitating. I get dizzy and feel as though I might pass out. So since the professionals could find no reason for my intense chest pain, I decided to scour the internet my damn self. I stumbled upon a message board with literally hundreds of people with the same ailment. All my age, men and women alike, all describing the same symptoms. Not on clear diagnosis. Most people cited having GERD which is a funny word for acid reflux disease. Really? What I'd like to know is how a pain in my shoulder is acid reflux but OK whatever. So I'll try taking pepcid ac and limit my acidic food intake which is as follows.

No coffee...I don't care if "no coffee" is the keys to my survival, not doing it.
no milk- ok
no wheat- that's fine
no blueberries- really? (* so this must be a big lie)
no pickled foods- I'm trying no to cry over this.
no meat just fish I can live with that.
No shellfish- WHY?
no fried food...wait, what?
no FRENCH FRIES- no, please God, no!
(i basically live on french fries and beer)
Etc., etc., etc...

so apparently my life is over.

I analyzed what I have been eating over the last week and it all falls under the no no list. So maybe that's it. Maybe I can easily cure myself.

I will try anything to feel better at this point. I have been so fatigued therefore I sleep for 12-16 hours a night. I wake up with intense bouts of pain and am having vivid nightmares. When I am awake, I am pretty much in constant pain. Each time i breathe in I can feel it stab in my lung. My shoulder has just been a dull aching constant pain. If I'm lying down it feels like a charlie horse. All of this has been intensifying over the last 3 days.

I think it's high time for another juice fast. It's easier to limit yourself to one thing than having to cut out a million other things. If it is a gastrointestinal problem, that would be the fastest road to healing.