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Monday, June 11, 2012

I know it's been a long time since I've posted. I'm sorry to all 4 of you that follow my blog. I try to keep the topic focused on step climbing and I just haven't been doing much of it lately. A shame, I know. I have been so wrapped up with work. I pour a lot of thought and creative energy into both the Crested Duck and Cannon Coffee that i have little to spare for things like exercise. That and my allergies morphed into a gigantic sinus/ ear infection over the last month. I feel like Liza Minelli's character from Arrested development with the loss of equilibrium and all. I'd dare not attempt a step trek and tempt fate to have me topple to my doom all because of a silly inner ear problem.

Pittsburgh's non-existent winter and its super wet spring has caused the vegetation to simply burst with wild new growth. At times, I have felt it necessary to bring a machete just to walk to my house. It's absolutely beautiful, though. The poison ivy is treacherous and everywhere it seems too. I got a tiny bit on my arm already and this is me not even trying to get out and hike steps. I wish I had a nice camera.

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