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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Too damn hot

You know how my favorite pass-time(that's the phrase right? something you do to pass the time?) my favorite past time(?) is to make excuses. It's not hard to come up with reasons to not go hiking up giant poison ivy ridden treacherous set of steps. With the heat soaring into the upper 90s, i'd be doing a disservice to my fragile frame if i merely attempted the steps this past week. I can't even get into the car or get up the steps to the house. It's hard and I whine and bitch. I have been plotting routes whilst in the comfort of the air conditioned bedroom of mine. But guess what, my laptop died. It's given up. All I can do now is give up too. I know you're thinking "but Ben, if your laptop died how are you blogging right now?" well, Miss inquisitive, because I have a netbook. Only problem is, it can't run Google Earth. So there. EXCUSES! STOP JUDGING ME!!! I think in the Autumn once all the vegetation is completely burnt dry by the sun's unrelenting berating of toxic invisible death rays, I will once again strap on the hiking tennis shoes, slather on the sunscreen, and get back tot he races. Or maybe I'll find something else to complain about by then.

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