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Thursday, March 22, 2012


In the last two days I made it my goal to get to 20,000. Right now I am at 18,818. That's pretty close. Problem is, at this point I've covered all the areas with large concentration. What's left is a set here and a set there. LOTS of walking with no step climbing makes Ben a dull boy. Yesterday I hit Stanton Heights and Morningside.
Each time I think I've found my new favorite view of the city, I have to think again. The view from the top of Mcandless street is breathtaking. It broadly shows the city but subtly. Centered with a view of Children's Hospital Oakland rises to the left above the height of the downtown skyline to the right. The sun was setting and the hazy spring day with the pastels of magnolia trees and crab apples made it look like a Degas painting. God it was gorgeous. Morningside reminds me of Brookline; The homes look similar and the street grid echoes Brookline's as well. There are some older homes, though, that look a bit more stately. Stanton Heights kind of annoyed me. It's really two different neighborhoods rolled into one. there's the side closest to Lawrenceville with turn of the century homes, brick streets on a grid, and some really stellar views. It connects directly to L-ville via city steps, some of the city's biggest sets in fact. But then there is the new Stanton Heights all cul du sacs and switchbacks and senseless cookie cutter homes that confused me endlessly. It's just my cup of tea is all. No offense.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you hit your goal before you run out of steps! I can't wait to come with you, with my camera one of these days :) I am not a big fan of the new style of picking a house out of a catalog and then throwing it up overnight. "Little boxes on the hillside. Little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same..." original by Malvina Reynolds, but I love this version & video
