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Sunday, April 8, 2012

This whole city steps thing has me totally worn out.

Prepare yourselves for some hard core bitching...I work two jobs, haven't had a day off in 3 weeks, don't have a car and port authority sucks so hard, my allergies are bothering me, but...the weather has been so nice lately, I am already half-way done. I have been doing this in my spare time mostly and it gets so difficult. I know that if I had just one day off a week at least, I can be done this summer; early, this summer. So I just need some momentum.

I used to feel so weird when people asked me why I was doing this. I think because when i started, I really didn't know. It was just for fun at first and then it became an addiction, just like when I started shooting heroin watching "Mad Men."
It has become by comfort, my escape, my feel good happy fun time.

I get my alone time on those steps. I think in the entire time doing this I crossed paths with maybe 5 other people on a set of steps which, incidentally, pisses me off. Usually I am counting and if someone tries to be polite and say hello or whatever, I lose count. During the entire time logging the South Side Slopes, which was last Spring/Summer, I didn't have my counter. I recall one incident in particular where I had just about made it all the way to the top of this big mama set of steps and this Asian couple had just begun to descend. Wouldn't you know they had to ask me in broken English, where the "train" stop was. They were adorable and of course I helped them out but as soon as they were on their way, I was palm of hand to face "doh!"...My car was parked at the top and I was not about to walk down these m f-ing steps just to walk back up. That has happened more frequently than I care to remember.

This one time, this hard-core yinzer with all the bravado and lack of intelligence and tact I've come to expect from some of the "hill people", starts in on me as I am clearly doing what I am doing and decides to berate me with stupid questions. my thoughts in response will be in parentheses...
"Did you walk all the way up here?"
"...yes"(no I got dropped from a helicopter mid-way)
"Them are a lot of steps, man"
"yeah." (clearly out of breath here.)
"I usually walk down em, I never walk up. you're crazy"
"it's good exercise" (clearly, because you're fat, but maybe I am crazy)

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