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Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today I went through the North side neighborhoods and did some exploring. I came across a lot of closed sets of steps. Damn. Never one to follow signs, I climbed them anyway. What a weird day today turned out to be.
I am assuming the offender of this graffiti had his/her heart broken. It's sad, love is evol. Spring Hill- City View doesn't even seem real. Crazy winding streets and utterly disconnected form the rest of the city, it feels like walking through the post apocalypse version of Pittsburgh. Years after humans have left and the deer have taken over. I felt uneasy and couldn't find a suitable place to park. People kept giving me strange looks as if they knew I was an outsider. These tiny pockets of homes on dead end streets I assume don't get many visitors.
This is Bly Street. It doesn't go anywhere.
These steps are by far the coolest urban decay I've seen so far. They lead up from Royal Street then fork off into two different sets that are equally enthralling. There used to be homes all along the hillside but only concrete stoops and sandstone foundations remain amid mossy bricks and other debris. Who knows what the street was called. Steep steps lead to shallower steps that lead to a flat sidewalk. It eventually connects to Bly street. The other fork leads straight up zig-zagging to meet Brahm Street.
I then headed over to Perry North and Fineview to see all the business I was missing.
This is Milroy Street. The Steps switchback over a babbling brook past a few lovely homes. I kind of want to live on this street. So today was good. I got almost 500 steps done today. i wanted to do more but I was short on time. Plus, no offense Perry South, but you kind of had be afraid for my life a few times with all the scary dogs, crackheads, and gangsters. I'm bringing a friend next time...and maybe a gun...or a pittbull.

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