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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sunshine and rainbows.

It may be of no news to anyone but I am one cynical bastard. I am sultry, brooding, and I don't like people all that much. I like to watch people, it's entertaining. I judge peoples' stupidity yes, and maybe that makes me a bad person. Who is to judge that? I don't believe in god. I don't have faith in humanity, I don't really even have faith in my friends and they are the only people I actually choose to be around albeit seldom.

People in everyday life for me fall into categories.

Let's pretend they're Coins.

Quarters:worth keeping in case you need to pay the meter or buy a gum ball. They come in handy indeed. They are real friends and true in life as well, you only really need 4of them. Any more than that and they begin to weigh you down.

Dimes: thin, flimsy, but get enough of them together and you got a party. They are like Facebook friends that you never speak to in real life. You most likely met them at a party while drunk. You exchanged facebooks on your smartphones and act at the time like you would be true blue till the day the earth stands still. But that is the only time you'll even speak to a dime again. They are the smallest of the coins. acquaintances that you have no intention on ever making friends.

Nickels: thick, usually fat, you sometimes think they're quarters but soon realize their true nature and it ultimately pisses you off. They tend to be the kind of people so wrapped up in themselves that they don't notice you don't even like them and still hang around like Christmas decoration in July. You can put two dimes and a nickel together but you still don't have a quarter.

Pennies: the only thing pennies are good for is making the rest of the loose change accumulating in your jar seem better. Pennies are filler. They are the random people you run in to every day, their worth is subjective...all of these coins worth is subjective really. One nickel may be another D&D player's half dollar. Pennies are the things you don't have time for, the people in the world that you can never expect to know on a quarter basis.

But money isn't everything. As much of a cynical bastard as I am, I am not all that bad. I really like animals too. Not more than people but...they're delicious. And dogs are fun to be around. Cats piss me off. Why couldn't I have been born an animal. Then it would be ok, expected, if I killed other animals.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need a break from the pennies. No matter what kind of change it is, if you hold onto it too long your hand reeks of dirty metal. I require alone time. That's why I am awake at 5am.
