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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tonight I hosted open mic. I honestly forgot how amazing the talent is in my humble neighborhood. Another more important finding is that I am finally out of my depression. Today was a great day. But perhaps the most important, rather, pertinent finding was a photograph print that Rosemary, a regular to the coffee shop and friend, gave to me. I found that behind the sound equipment while cleaning up. It's of a set of city steps from the 1950s. An old wooden set was being replaced with the new concrete steps. There the two sets sit next to one another. the old and the new. sharing a brief moment before the old wooden steps get demolished. It's a beautiful picture. it makes us think of the ever-changing, ever improving mentality we have. Evolve. Those concrete steps still exist today, weathered and overgrown. Worn out. they were once new. Will they be replaced? No. we've found ways of getting around them. We've forgotten them but we have not done away with them. There is no progress to be made on that path. Instead, we let them crumble on their own.

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