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Friday, April 5, 2013

The good with the bad

I was super pumped about today because the weather is perfect for step climbing; 60 and sunny. I had it all planned out where I was going to go and everything. Then yesterday I started getting those damned weird chest pains again. Needless to say, I stayed in. It hurts when I breathe. It hurts when I do anything and I was not about to go testing the limits of my cardiovascular system. So since I'm convinced it's either an ulcer or GERD. I am doing everything I can to heal faster. The worst part is that if it's an ulcer or the like, I cannot take pain medicine. I have to just deal. I hate to sound like I'm complaining all the time but there is literally no other outlet for my bitching so deal with it. I have to pretend I am happy at work all day and I have to try really hard to be nice to people when behind the fake smile I am just wanting to smush peoples faces till their eyeballs pop out. I would have stayed on the couch. I went to bed at 7:30 last night, slept for 18 hours. Well, I woke up intermittently to pee, drink water, whine to Nate, etc. But I felt the best when I was lying down, on my side, with my left arm over my head. Every other position was agony. I kept waking up because my right wrist kept falling asleep. MISERABLE!!! So that's me complaining about it. I'll stop now.

1 comment:

  1. awww :( maybe it's time for another juice fast/cleanse?
