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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Becoming more proactive

The Soth Side Slopes has a great advocacy group centered around the city steps. They were able to make this happen...

I don't think a neighborhood exists that better highlights its city step assets. This installation of hundreds of led lights has me thinking; what else can we do? The 18th street steps had me geeking out. I want steps like that in my neighborhood. I thought about something similar for Ray Ave. as it meets West Liberty ave.

As you can see, there are four sets that all have more than 100 steps. Stetson St, Belle Isle, Ray Ave, and Templeton. We could do something clever even if it's just getting neighbors together for the holidays and putting Christmas lights up. As cars come up West Liberty Avenue they would see lovely zig zagging lines of lights up the hillside. It wouldn't even cost that much money. Just a thought.

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