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Sunday, May 5, 2013


I decided to write about Brookline today because, hey, I live here. Also, today is the Pittsburgh Marathon and any hopes that I had for getting out anywhere new to do steps have been dashed. (puns)

This is Ray Avenue; The one that started it all. It winds its way down the hill at a gentle incline. Total Steps 258

I've lived in Brookline for almost 5 years and have owned Cannon Coffee for nearly 4. I am kind of biased when I say how great this neighborhood is. Brookline sprung up in the 1920s during the big South Pittsburgh housing boom due to the construction of the liberty tunnels.

Brookline Boulevard is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar renovation project that will include new sidewalks, new sewerage infrastructure, new street lamps, the addition of benches, trees, etc. But right now this is what we are dealing with.

It's not too bad really. The jackhammering gets on my nerves sometimes but that's the price of progress.

Brookline is a picture perfect Pittsburgh neighborhood.

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