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Friday, May 24, 2013

Washington's Landing

Formerly known as Herr's Island after Benjamin Herr whom once owned it. It was a post industrial brownfield until the late 80s when the band, Starship, swooped in and "built this city" on top of the rock and roll that was left there once the roll dump had closed. (Ever wonder what happens to the uneaten bread sticks from the Olive Garden..?) Ok, that's not true. But George Washington once capsized his boat in the Allegheny and spent the night on the Island. That part really did happen. How cool do you have to be to clumsily tip a boat over and dry off on the shore and they still want to name the whole Island after you? Now the Island is home to town homes, some office complex, lovely trails, and the Three Rivers Rowing Association. Of which I am not involved in.

Literally hundreds of boats fill its boat houses and the association has won numerous awards over the years since its inception. It is truly a beautiful place to go put a boat in the water.

The other strange thing about Washington's Landing is the rabbits. There are thousands of them if I had to guess. I took a small stroll along the river while we waited for our turn to start rowing and in the mere 100 yards or so I counted over 20 wild rabbits just lounging around completely unafraid of humans it seemed.

I'm guessing it's because the damned things multiply so quickly...that and the fact that they are stuck on an island with no natural predators. Ummmmmmm they should host an Easter egg hunt here. It would be epic.

So yeah, I don't just do steps people. I am on a rowing team now. See? well rounded.

Just thought I'd throw that last candid shot of some random guy scraping duck poop off his running shoes in there. It makes me chuckle. You won't be seeing that in the brochure.


  1. this is so fun :) Washington's "Landing" like it was a well thought out plan lol. Beautiful place!

  2. The view down the Allegheny from the point just across the bridge is so awesome. I just discovered it last week.
