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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pictures! I went a bit crazy with the new camera.

I don't know a lot about cameras but I do know what a good picture looks like. I just got a sony cybershot DSC-H7 if the name means anything to you people. All I know is it has a delicious zoom and lots of settings and it's NOT my cell phone camera.
The intersection of Mission Street ans St. Thomas Street in the South Side Slopes.

The View of Oakland/Greenfield from the Slopes

Looking up at the Slopes from Carson Street and 18th.

I caught this couple getting their picture taken midway down St. Michael Street. Adorable.

A closer view of the Cathedral Of Learning. My favorite building in the burgh.

The 10th Street Bridge in the South Side.

The vista from "point of View" state park in Duquesne Heights.

Sunset in Duquesne Heights.

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